7 Reasons Why Your Post-Holiday Routine Needs a Bubble Bath

Bubble Baths: Your Secret Weapon for Post-Holiday Bliss

Fa la la la let me get some rest now!

With the holiday season behind us, many of us are likely still cleaning up tinsel and eager for a slower pace and a little bit of “me time.” When it comes to post-holiday rest and rejuvenation, there’s nothing better than a bubble bath, especially if the weather outside is cold and frightful! 

Believe it or not,  baths aren’t just about relaxation. Filling your tub can have many health benefits as well, so you’re really killing two birds with one stone. Browse TOA Waters’ list of benefits below, and you’ll likely find yourself finishing that leftover eggnog in the tub! 

Seven Health Benefits of Bubble Baths

  1. Warm water relieves and relaxes muscles, helping to alleviate pain and swelling. 
  2. Bubble baths regulate body temperature and melatonin production, leading to improved sleep. 
  3. The moisture and steam from bubble baths can help to alleviate congestion and other cold and flu-like symptoms. 
  4. A healthy soak can serve to hydrate the skin and combat the itchiness and dryness that tend to accompany the season. 
  5. Taking a warm bath can open pores, which promotes effective cleansing of the skin.
  6. Warmer bubble baths promote sweating, which in turn releases toxins from the body. 
  7. Warm bubble baths promote the secretion of serotonin, a natural chemical in the body that helps to stabilize one’s mood and promote happiness.  

So, have we convinced you? If the answer is yes, feel free to browse our unique bubble baths to complete your experience!


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