Val and Javier holding TOA Waters bottle

Celebrating Support, Family, and BOLD Bubble Baths

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's the perfect time to reflect on gratitude and express our heartfelt thanks to all of you, our amazing TOA Waters community. This journey of creating and sharing our BOLD bubble baths wouldn't have been possible without your unwavering support and enthusiasm. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

One of the most incredible aspects of our small business has been the opportunity to connect with each of you, our valued customers. You've embraced our vision of redefining self-care and have made TOA Waters a part of your lives. Your trust in our BOLD bubble baths has meant the world to us. I'd like to share a heartwarming story from just this past weekend.

I had the privilege of working at the Maryland Christmas Fair, where I finally met one of our long-time and incredibly supportive repeat customers in person. She had specifically come out to see us at the fair, and the moment we met was truly special. Seeing her face, I couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for her unwavering support over the past few years.

Every few months, her orders would come in, and it would bring a smile to my face. As a small business owner, repeat customers are more than just transactions; they're a testament to the trust and enjoyment you find in our products. During the ups and downs of running a small business, seeing her orders consistently come in was a source of motivation and inspiration.

It reminded me that our BOLD bubble baths truly resonate with people and that you all believe in what we're doing. Thank you for being more than customers; you're a part of the TOA Waters family.

I'd also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends and family who have been there every step of the way. From coming over to help make bubble baths to assisting at events selling our products, your unwavering support has been the backbone of this journey. Your belief in our vision and your willingness to roll up your sleeves and help, even during the busiest of times, is a testament to the power of community and the strength of family bonds.

I'm deeply grateful for each one of you and the roles you've played in making TOA Waters what it is today. As we gather with loved ones this Thanksgiving, let's remember the power of gratitude and the importance of expressing our thanks. Whether it's through a heartfelt message, a warm hug, or simply spending quality time together, let's cherish the support and love that surrounds us.

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for each of you, our amazing customers, and for the unwavering support of my friends and family. You've made this dream a reality, and I couldn't be more grateful.

As we move forward, know that we're committed to continuing to bring you the best in self-care with our BOLD bubble baths. Your trust and support inspire us every day, and we can't wait to share more moments of relaxation, kindness, and sustainability with you.

From our TOA Waters family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

Warm regards,

Javier Folgar
TOA Waters Team

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