Tell an Old Joke Day: Laughter and Bubbles for a Joyful Bath

Tell an Old Joke Day: Laughter and Bubbles for a Joyful Bath

When did people start laughing? It was a while ago, actually. Did you know that a Sumerian Proverb dating back to 1900 B.C. is thought to be the oldest joke?

Why are we telling you this, you may wonder?

Well, in case you didn’t know, July 24 is National Tell an Old Joke Day. That’s right bathers, there’s an entire day dedicated to dad jokes, bad jokes, sad jokes, and chickens crossing the road jokes!

The next time you’re ready for a soak, take these jokes with you!  Brush up on your corny, eye roll-provoking humor so that you’ll be prepared to celebrate when the end of the month rolls around. 

  1. Why did the soap go to the bubble bath? Because it wanted to make a clean getaway!

  2. What do you call a bubble bath in space? A galaxy tub!

  3. Why don’t bubbles ever get sad? Because they’re always popping with joy!

  4. What did one bubble say to the other in the bath? “You’re so uplifting!”

  5. Why did the rubber duck bring a snorkel to the bubble bath? It wanted to dive into the deep end of relaxation!

  6. How do bubbles flirt in the bath? They give each other a little pop!

  7. What’s a bubble’s favorite type of music? Pop!

  8. Why did the bubble bath start a band? It was tired of just soaking in the background!

  9. What did the bath bomb say to the bubble bath? “Let’s explode with relaxation together!”

  10. Why did the bathwater invite bubbles to the party? It needed someone to lighten the mood!

  11. What’s a bubble bath’s favorite dance? The pop and lock!

  12. How do bubbles stay so positive? They always rise above!

  13. What do you call a fish who loves bubble baths? A clean catch!

  14. Why was the bubble bath always so calm? It knew how to soak up the good vibes!

  15. What do you get when you cross a bubble bath with a math book? A lot of problem-solving relaxation!

  16. Why do bubble baths make great friends? They’re always there to lift you up when you’re feeling down!

  17. What’s a bubble bath’s favorite dessert? Popcorn!

  18. Why do bubbles make great comedians? They always know how to burst out with laughter!

  19. What did the sponge say to the bubble bath? “You’re really soaking it all in today!”

  20. Why do bubbles make good leaders? Because they always rise to the top!

Brush up on this old-timey humor, bathers! Don’t let these classics become extinct!

Oh, and don’t lie. We know at least a few of these made you chuckle!

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