Soak It In - Public Turns to Bubble Baths while Exercising Social-Distancing - TOA Waters

Soak It In - Public Turns to Bubble Baths while Exercising Social-Distancing

Soak It In: Public Turns to Bubble Baths while Exercising Social-Distancing

We found ourselves amid a global pandemic and accompanying lockdown last March. For many, the “stay at home” thing got old real fast, but, truth be told, many took this lockdown as an opportunity to reconnect with old hobbies, a chance to discover new interests, and a reminder of the importance of self-care.

According to the American Psychological Association, “nearly 8 in 10 adults (78%) say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their life.” It should come as no surprise that Google searches of bubble baths also increased significantly during this time.

Wondering why? Let’s be honest; the bubble bath is much more the simple luxury to which many equate it to.

There’s no denying the fact that increased bubble bath searches probably had a lot to do with cleanliness and personal hygiene.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg though! Here at TOA Waters, we know that there’s more to it!

Let’s make a bigger splash!

Did you know that taking bubble baths can do wonders for mental health as well?

That’s right, warm bath waters have been known to aid in the relief of muscular tension. They help to relieve the body of anxiety and stress. Baths have also been associated with positive changes in mood. It should also be noted that taking a warm bath before bed can help to sync body temperature and sleep rhythms, making for a better night’s sleep.

All things considered, it’s easy to see why many have opted to soak in recent times.

What about you? Have you made your splash yet?

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